With CZ-USA already advertising the P-07 Duty ( Along with the Phantom) in USA gun magazines
such as Shooting Times.
The reality of the P-07 is that:
A: Finally a polymer framed CZ pistol that isn't a DAO abomination.
B: This new pistol features the 'Omega' fire control system, allowing
the user to switch from conventional mode of a safety SA/DA or to the Decocker
in mere minutes.
C: Everyone who has been lucky enough to shoot the "Duty" has come away mightily impressed.
D: Earlier info that the backstrap will interchange ( ala Phantom) appears to be incorrect.
E: This psitol will need neew magazines. By my information, Standard CZ Compact
( P-01, Compact ) mags don't fit.
F: Dave ( Mr. Compact) will probably be shooting one by May!
So, like other CZ products for 2009. The Duty is new and very exciting to most who know about it. However..I'm sure there will be a big debate on how much better the Duty is over the well established P-O1, and even the PCR from the PCR hardcores.
On another note. Along with CZ products from Hakan, Omega, and Crimson Trace.
I like the new grip options for the Compacts from CZ-USA that will be surely appreciated by
us CZ fans.
Jo's new P-01 is a fine example.

Fans of the Phantom are stacking up.

Superb ergonomics and light recoil, combined with stunning accuracy!
Sounds like a recipe for a CZ right there!
I'd like to eventually get one and set it
up with a tac-light for house duty.
In regard to the RAMIs.
The RAMI BD (standard with nites ) is catching on quickly.

I've long shouted from the rooftops.. that the RAMI market was/is missing a segment of
gun buyers who deem the SA/DA versions as unsafe for carry. Due to having to lower the
hammer on a live round (do it myself) or carry cocked N locked with the very slim safety
The BD concept opens a whole new door for those people that would have jumped on a
decocker version years ago if such had been available. The addition of having Nites as
standard issue is just the icing on the cake.
Those persons with the RAMI P ploymer framed guns seem to like them as well.
WE can only hope that CZ offers a BD version for the P in the near future.

CZ .22s.
My new Kadet Kit is still giving me problems.
Failure to fire every 3 rounds or so. CZ-USA is sending me a new firing pin spring
when available.
Pity, as the conversion kit is Phenom accurate when it works properly.
The Glo-Dot adjustable LPA sights are the cat's meowww!

For Range work they are ideal. No need for tritium dots, as this isn't for defense.
I have my eye on the 513 Basic .22 rifle.
Something is just right about the stock and iron sights.
This will be a perfect starting point for me to build a CZ .22 bolt collection.
After that, a 452 Varmint or 452 FS would be nice.
A RAMI P and black Horsehide Topless pancake from High Noon will have to come first though:)

Happy Holidays!!