Most of the stuff seems to be old news. Products that have been on the market for some time now.
The CZUB/Dan Wesson line does have a few new things for 2009.

Firstly. Looking at the CZ-USA product line.
Pics of the P-07 Duty at the CZ booth have been circulating.
My my note of the adjustable rear sight to Dave, has brought me some
interesting information.
Basically, the new DUTY will be very user friendly,
and at a much reduced price over the comparable alloy framed
P-01. By $160 or more!
At 1.7 pounds (almost the same weight as the P-01's 1.71) Polymer framed with a 16-shot magazine capacity.
The Omega fire control that allows you to switch from traditional DA/SA or to
decocker..and your choice of fixed combat or adjustable
sights.. \\
Combined with a decent price.
What's not to like!
Other pistols in the new catalog are the BD (decocker) models such as the RAMI BD (alloy framed)and the big 97BD in .45 ACP flavor.
Of course, the smooth selling P-06 in .40 caliber is present.

I do not see a RAMI P in BD form yet. Hopefully some will follow later this
As for the slick CZ83.

No 9MM MAK chambering for 2009, unless Alice wants to bring
a few in at a time.
There do seem to be plenty of surplus CZ82s on the market at places like
J&G SALES in Arizona.

Dan Wesson will have the Concealed Carry Officer's model again for this year.
A lot of DW owners have cried for the return of the CC0.
Another newbie is the DW Pointman Seven in Desert Tan.
Looks like it will only be available in .45 ACP for the time being.
The other POINTMAN>>SKU # 1901 Pointman Seven comes in 10mm.
Then there is the Pointman 9. Looks pretty nice!
Also look for a Pointman in the ever popular .40 S&W chambering!
Look for something New Called a Pointman caliber mentioned.
Their CBOB is now available in two tone finish and like .45
ACP and my favorite..the mighty 10mm.
I'm not sure what is new and exciting about the rifle line, but have concentrated on
the handguns for now.
you can now get your FREE 2009 catalogs.
Call CZ-USA at 1-800-955-4486
Thats all for now.