Being sent several boxes of the newest development at Hornady: The FTX flex tip technology
round in 9mm Luger caliber.
Reportedly- giving expansion Every Time through clothing and barriers.
The FTX looks interesting for my defensive needs.
Usually, I try to get good pics of myself or others shooting, and of muzzle
flash, ect. My camera batteries were near dead, and I could only get a few
pics. Hopefully, I'll be able to do some further testing with FTX when the
weather gets warmer.
My GOAL: Function/ accuracy testing for use in my CZ and other 9mm pistols.
CZ2075 RAMI in 9mm: The Chunky Monkey Mini-Z.
7 yards.
8 rounds of FTX. All rounds targets chewed out center of bullseye, save for two
low rounds, due to the target being low on the hanger. I was able to correct
quickly and center punch the zippy FTX rounds thru the target.
Mild recoil with little muzzle flash or rise. No feeding problems.
(Note: Exactly what I want in a defensive load!)
15 yards.
14 rounds of the FTX through my RAMI. No problem with printing some tight groups when I
did my part.
Due to my health issues. I don't shoot much anymore and my shooting skills
have suffered, but I try to do my best.
14 more rounds down range. Accuracy on my part improved. The FTX seems to be much
more accurate than I am.
Low recoil. Little muzzle flash or rise. Superb reliability.
CZ75 (Pre-B) the stoic 9mm that the CZ pistol legend was built upon.
15 yards.
15 rounds of FTX. Showing better accuracy than the RAMI, but not by much.
Hampered by the tiny fixed sights, but still able to get some decent combat accuracy.
Excellent reliability.
15 rounds of Speer 124 gr. Gold Dot +P (carry load) which exhibited more muzzle
flash and blast, along with muzzle rise than the FTX.
I've shot a lot of this load in my CZs and know how it acts in my RAMI, too.
I guess that is the price you pay with the +P load. No feeding problems encountered

GLOCK 19 TALO Limited Edition:
15 yards.
10 rounds of FTX.
Fighting the Glock trigger and Glock sights. The FTX fed well and delivered decent accuracy.
I'm a CZ guy at heart, so a real Glock fan could probably get superior accuracy results.
Low recoil and flash, low muzzle rise.
10 rounds of Blazer 9mm.
Average accuracy, as much as you can expect from ball ammo. Moderate recoil and
blast. Moderate flash, but not a lot of muzzle rise. More noticable in all areas than
than the FTX. This lot of ammo tends to run hot in my pistols.
The FTX showed mild manners and exceptional accuracy ( for me ) and 100% reliability.
Less recoil than the compared SPEER +P load, or the hot Blazer.
Controlled recoil with the FTX and other rounds, but the Hornady offering seems to be
the winner.
Low flash/blast also makes it a winner for defensive carry at night.
No reliability problems were evident. Something that I can't say with certain loads and
the RAMI.
Other testers may not agree with my experience, but I really like the FTX.
This load has met my requirements for defensive carry.
Thanks, Hornady!
Now it is up to you to decide!
For more Information on the FTX and other great Hornady products..

Please visit the Hornady website.