A few people have bought the DW Concealed Officer's Carry .45 ACP.
So far, they are very pleased.
For a gun that lists near $1,500. I surely hope they are.
Unlike my old Combat Commander and departed Dan Wesson CBOB.

The smaller/lighter CCO utilizes an aluminum alloy Officer's
type frame to save on weight.
The CCO's 1.7 pound weight versus the 2.3 pounds of the longer
heavier 2.3 pound CBOB, makes a lot of sense to me.
A solid (adjustable) match trigger that is different than that of the
CBOB's.With the same "duty coat" ceramic finish as found
on the deadly looking Valor.

Novak style low profile tritium nites and special grips, along with
a rounded(not bobbed) butt completes the package.

I think that they made a wise move to use the Commander slide,
instead of a more possibly problematic shorter slide as found
on some of the micro 1911s on the market.
My only change.. would be to add the Crimson Trace LG-404 laser grip
for the Compact/Defender models.

Sadly, the prices look to remain high and well out of my reach
for the time being, so I'll have to settle for a DW t-shirt!

That said: I still think it would be an ideal carry 1911 for this broken
down ex-cop, who really can't carry big or heavy guns anymore.

Check the LINK for more info!
Until next time!